Friday, October 19, 2012

MediaMind In-Stream Video Research

Funny Toyota video :)

Funny Toyota video :)

IPG YuMe 4-screen ad effectiveness study infographic

You Cannot Avoid Making Impressions

All ad campaigns are branding campaigns.
Whether you intend it to be a branding campaign is irrelevant.
It will create an impression of your brand regardless of your intent.
But don’t forget the most important aspect of branding.
It’s not just about ad campaigns.
Branding is in the DNA of a company.
And as such, one fact cannot be overlooked…
Branding is everything your company says or does.


Monday, October 15, 2012

Chevrolet Filmstrip on MSN

The filmstrip format debuted in Hungary in February, 2012 but it took quite some time to see new campaigns using the unique opportunities of the multi-segment solution. Now Chevrolet Cruze is advertised with a nice filmstrip ad.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A great new ad format called ‘mosaic’

A great new ad format called ‘mosaic’ uses the blank map of the route planner site in Hungary.

The format was developed by Adaptive Media.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Laptop Case and Portable Workstation by...

GreenCase: Laptop Case and Portable Workstation by Mika Becktor

Have a crush on this ad!

Have a crush on this ad!

Rubick 3

RUBICK: Going, going, gone!

A hat trick by Adaptive Media: 3 ‘rubick’ campaigns in a month!

RUBICK: Going once, twice, …

Vodafone, the media first advertiser of the year, couldn’t resist the temptation of Rubick.


Once upon a time in the West there was a home page takeover ad by Pepsi:

Smart Hungarians reverse engineered the solution and put it on the market under the name ‘rubick’.